This book title is kinda interesting right ?
But when I read the summary of this book , which is about a grandfather and a grandson on the run , I admit I'm not very keen on reading it anymore . A grandpa and a yound grandson running away , you must be joking !
Because this book will be our class literature for the year 2011 , not Step by Wicked Step ( Apparently , people don't like that book lol ...I like it though ) , I might as well give it a go and read it . :D
Here's a fun insight of the story for everyone :
The grandson , Rory and his grandfather , Granda ( Rory called him that , we don't actually know his real name ) loved each other and they only had each other in their life .
One day , Granda , who had some health problems , set fire on their home when he wanted to prepare some chips . He was then sent to the hospital , unconcious .
As a result , Rory had no place to stay . He was forced to stay at a children's home , Castle Street , until Granda got better .
Without the knowledge of Rory , who thought Granda was getting better and better every day , the nurses of the hospital had sent Granda to a old people's home , Rachnadar .
That was the last straw for Rory . He was so angry that the idea of running away came to his mind . He hated Castle Street and Granda was dying inside every single day that he had spent in Rachnadar . Rory and Granda wanted to be together badly .
So one dark chilly night , they had escaped successfully . Luck was obviously on their side that day . ( Note : This is the part where I started to like the story :) )
They made their way to several places :
1 ) Darren's mum caravan . ( Darren is Rory's best friend )
2) Tyrone's family caravan . ( Tyrone and his family are travellers )
3) Rab's house ( A stranger who worked at a petrol station )
4) Norma and Nicola's house ( Annie's ( Rab's girlfriend ) cousin )
After Rory and Granda's escape from Norma's house ( Norma phoned the police ) , Granda died due to exhaustion .
Now that's a real twist in the story . Granda didn't die lol ! That's just a false alarm . His pulse came back after that .
Because Rory was sure that Granda had died , he ran to a nearby house and the people there phoned the police .
The police came , with Rory's dad , Jeff .( Lol , his dad was still alive )
Rory reunited with his dad and Granda didn't die . What a happy ending ! :D
Review :
The storyline is original and interesting . I mean , have u read a book about a grandpa and a grandson running away ?
There're many surprises as the story goes along . The theme of the story is clear . The story isn't that confusing and complicated . It's such a nice change for people who read all kind of complicated novels like me lol .
It's also full of adventures . I love quests and travelling stuff in a story .
This story is also set in Scotland too ( Scotland right down to Liverpool, England) ! That's what make it even more awesome ! ^.^
A typical story-writing style with an extraordinary storyline = Perfection !!!