Sunday, July 14, 2013

Books I Need To Buy

By J.K Rowling ! Are you kidding me ?! 

Combination of 2 book series !! Must be epic !!

The 4th book of the Heroes of Olympus series ! Gonna be awesome !

The Hobbit book ! After watching the movie ! Just simply amazing !

Or Maybe I should just get this and be done with it ? With the lords of the rings series !

Or this series ,which is recommended by my cousin ? 

But there is just one problem if I get all these books. I won't be able to study ? *laughs*
Nah...I don't think so . Since I have done this before . 
Well, alright then. That said, I'll go and try to get my hands on them ! 
Peace out ! 

Artistic ?

I have always wondered why people who could sing, act, dance, play musical instruments, write, draw, paint and other artistic stuffs all together ?

Well, think are those artistic genes *laughs*

It is just wonderful to see people with these kind of artistic abilities. It is just an awe.

There are people who could do artistic stuffs averagely remarkable, but there are some other people who do one thing better than the other.

It all depends on the individual.

Being artistic has become a field of its own with the most amazing people on the Earth are in.

I hope someday I could join them and be one of the artistic people out there.

Currently I could write, draw and paint, and I sort of know how to play the piano.

I do work hard to be able to do those stuffs in a better way and I hope one day I shall succeed in doing what I love and share them with the world to inspire people and make changes.


Inspiration post # 1

You might not see this. You might not even care to read this.
But to those of you who care enough to stop for a moment, spend a little time and energy to read, thank you.
I know that there are a lot of us out there going through all kinds of hardships, obstacles, problems and worry that things might not get solved or get better, I just want you to know that it will eventually because everything ends, good or bad. Things eventually end and if it doesn't end, it isn't the end of it.
We should have this belief in ourselves that we could overcome the things life throws at us and have this very thought that hard things come to us because we could handle them. We're stronger than we think we are.
We shouldn't let all the negativity pulls us down. We should stand tall and face it head-on and be brave warriors. Be confident.
Feeling confident, being positive and feeling great about ourselves attracts more positive and good things happening in our life, believe it or not.
So if you think you're having a bad life right now, STOP. Change your thought. Try thinking all the happy, proud things you have done and know that how blessed you are with all the love and support you have. And turn around and smile in the face of all those problems and troubles. You'll feel that things seem to be easier to solve then.
We should all be happy. Just let go and don't think too much. Life is good. And we should be thankful and grateful.
Love ourselves, and love others.
Hang in there. Remember, you're not alone. There are loads of people out there going through the same problems as you. Stand together and fight for a brighter tomorrow. Nothing is impossible. Everyone is a champion in their own rights. You make YOU. You make the power to choose who you want to be, where you want to go and how you want to be in life.
Growing up and encountering changes is a scary thing but it's also a part of life. Remember, if people could do it, why not you ?
No matter what, remember, there will be people looking over you, care for you and be there for you.
Life is short. Do the things that make you happy. Don't let anyone decide and tell you what to do in life. Be sensible. Grab opportunities.