Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bringing a huge stuffed dog to college

Well yeah, you read that right !

Mum bought me this huge stuffed golden-brown fur dog from IKEA last week and I'm all over it ! My sister and cousin love it so much too ! Gosh..

There you go ! Golden the huge stuffed dog chilling at the staircase !!! C'mon ! STARE AT IT ! So CUTE !!!!! and kinda real too !

This is my first ever HUGE stuffed toy. I have never had one before when I was a kid. I don't know why, maybe by influences or something, I have recently been eyeing and loving huge stuffed toys. I just think they're just warm and flurry and cosy. 

That said, I have also think it's rather childish to have this kind of toys now, since I'm nearly an adult. But then again, maybe the girlish and childish side of me is fighting to come out for one last time before everything gets serious in adulthood ? *laughs* Oh well, it isn't a crime for owning huge stuffed toys anyways ! Girls do need some girly stuffs sometimes !

Dad was teasing me by saying I'm still a child of having this stuffed dog. But then again, this is a gift from Mum !! I didn't seriously went and bought it for myself. But if I did....hmmm...that'll be a different story *ahem* 

Anyways, Mum was telling me I should bring it to my college hostel to keep me company and all. I was excited to do so to be honest. But there went Dad by saying don't be a kid and stuffs...

But urgh, whatever ! I'M BRINGING THIS HUGE STUFFED DOG TO COLLEGE ! I don't care what people say ! 

Don't judge me , people ! 

Before signing off, here're two pictures for your amusement ! 

My sis with the dog ! 

Golden the stuffed dog and I !!! 

Cheerio !! 

Monday, January 14, 2013

I wonder...

You know, I wonder what it will like if I don't tell my parents anything about me or things happen in college...

They don't really ask at all, you see. I'll always be the one who tell them stuffs when I get home every weekends. I'll be like ''hey dad...'' or ''mum ! I'm something to tell you...''

Now, what if I don't do that anymore ?

Will they ask ? I doubt it.

To be clear, I'm not trying to seek for their attention or anything of that sort. I'm just thinking maybe I'm bothering them with the things I tell them ? And that they're not really keen on knowing my stuffs ?

They give my a lot of freedom, like seriously. I'm staying in hostel and I can do anything I want really. They don't check on me at all. If I don't tell them anything, they won't know. I can like go out with friends, do crazy things and not study for exams. But then again, I don't. I always study, study and study. That's what I do basically.

I think they give me so much freedom because they trust me. I'd rather think this way than that they don't really have time to bother about me. And I don't abuse the freedom and don't betray their trust is because I'm afraid of doing so. Yup. The fear. Fear certainly hold me back. I don't really want to go bad, like who does ? I spent my time being a good girl since I was a kid and I don't plan on wasting all the hard work and I don't want to ruin everything.

But really, I know that they love me very much. Of course they do, right ? They have done so much for me and I'm grateful and blessed.

But once in a while, I'd love them to start conversations and ask ''so how's things going on with you?'' .

Love you, Dad and Mum !

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Today, I met my primary school best friend unexpectedly. I saw her but she didn't see me though. She kind of looks the same after all these years but her hair has grown longer. Looking at her makes me think how much our life has changed and how much we're different from each other now.

I had wanted to keep in touch with her, but alas, I didn't get to do so. I don't think she even recognises me now. I actually wanted to greet her, but...I don't know how to start. In the end, I just stared at her as she walked away.

It seems that we're so much different from each other now. Our life are so much different. She went her path and I went mine. It might just seem like we had never known each other before.

Time changes stuffs. It does it with alarming ways.

When I meet her again, assuming I will, I hope I'll have the courage to walk up to her and greet her. I seriously want to be in her life again.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What is college like ?

Before I entered college, I always ask people that particular question. I didn't get a satisfying answer in return though. 

So right now, here I am, In my second semester of Cambridge A-level course, I think I'm in the position to tell you what it is like to be in college and for memory, in my benefit as well.

College consists of mainly 3 things : Classes, lecturers and friends + social life. 

How to make your college life fun ? 

Have awesome classes, cool lecturers and fantastic friends. 

And I'll tell you that it isn't easy to get that at all.

You need to know what you want to study in order to make awesome classes that suit your interests and passion. No matter how the lecturers are like,  you'll have to let yourself be known to him/ her so that you could ask questions easier and build up a good teacher-student relationship, which in turn makes lecturers cool to be around with. Fantastic friends ? This will be the hardest part, well, at least for me. You couldn't exactly find people that are quite the same as you and you'll never know who is real and who is fake. The trick here is trying to be friends with everybody and stick around with a few that you think you can be comfortable to be around with. Build up friendships from the small group of friends and get to know each other better and avoid making drama and having childish rows and arguments. Solve every conflicts with talks like grown-ups. Generally be a nice person , that'll be quite enough. Social life ? Don't go socialising too much though, college is for studies and that's the main thing. But once in a while will be so much fun, I assure you ! Too much of it becomes a habit and bore you out, everything has its limits. 

A day-to-day life in college :

Woke up in the morning. Go to classes. Hang out with friends between classes and have fun in classes. Study at night and if there're study groups, chatting with friends. Bed time. 

That's what I basically do though. And once in a while, my friends and I will go places by bus and just hang out, talk and have fun :) 

Well, this is my college life and my views on college and how to make it works. Perhaps you would have different opinions and different college life. But all is well :)

Have a good college life, people ! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Little Bit of Luck By Your Side

I don't know about anyone else, but I do think that a little bit of luck by your side goes a long way. 

Some people doesn't believe in luck but believe in the realistic and practical sense of things and prefer to think that everything happens for a practical reason. For me, that's true, but really, a little percentage of it contains luck.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone in my writings below. 

I believe that luck is by your side when you get help unexpectedly from strangers by the road when you have problems with your car. 

I believe that luck is by your side when you manage to win a contest or competition. 

I believe that you got enlightenment by people because you're lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time. 

I believe that your hard work is added in with luck during examinations and it then leads to the exam results. 

I believe that the meetings with great people in your life is of luck .

Luck can be also be said in the form of ''be in the right place at the right time'' . 

As I said, we couldn't really control everything that happens around us. Some forces might be at work . With surprises, our life are made interesting. This is where come gratefulness, gratitude and blessings. 

This is my personal opinion. We believe what we think is true for us, after all. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Okay, I'm worried.

So I know I couldn't see very well, and I went and got my eyesight checked. Done.

Now..with everything settled, I'm worried about what if I got it all wrong ? What if I got it wrong during the time when I was supposed to read out the tiny letters and figures on the screen ? And if i got that wrong, I'll lead the optician to believe a different result, and then the power of my lens will be wrong and then my new glasses will be the wrong one as well. OMG.

Yes, yes, I know. I'm being silly.

But really, when the optician covered one of my eyes and I'm told to read using solely the other eye...I think I did read it using both eyes...but then...after a while, I did read it during one eye...I think. And then during those final moments, I think i could see the stuffs on the screen clearly...but not so much the smallest letters and i suppose to see everything so clearly ? and so insanely sharp ? And what is up with the shadows and strange striking lights on the screen when the optician changes a higher power lens ? Is that the indication that the lens' power is too high ? Is that it ?

And when i went outside and looked around using the new lens, it all seemed alright. I could see clearly and kinda sharp. that really the exact right lens' power ? Or perhaps there's no ''exact right'' ones ? Maybe it all depends on how an individual likes it ? But then...wouldn't it be bad for the eyes if one is wearing the lens that aren't the exact right ones ?

I just don't get it.

You know what ? Sometimes I'd like to be a kid again and not to know all the eyesight stuffs . I didn't really know and understand 3 years ago. I just went ahead and did what I was told to do, regardless it's right or wrong. And to be honest, I didn't really know the power of my lens in the exact figures last time. And I didn't know how much it costed for a new pair of glasses. I knew nothing and am not aware of anything except choosing a new frame for the glasses.

Sometimes knowing stuffs makes things worse. And when the moment comes that makes you not knowing, cause you to worry.


I don't know. I don't know what to think or what to do.

All I could do is hope for the best and let the new glasses suit me well...which I don't really know now whether the frame will be alright for me ...having a lot of second thoughts now.
